A Lighting Contractor in Orange County that Offers More

Lighting Contractor Orange County

“The lights outside of my property look fine. So, why would I necessarily need a lighting contractor in Orange County?” We hear some version of that question often. The truth is that our company isn’t called “Lighting Contractors OC.” Instead, it’s called “Outdoor Systems OC.” To that end, we offer far more, well, outdoor systems than just lighting solutions. Make no mistake, we offer a wide range of lighting that can get you so, so much more out of your outdoors. We offer far more than that, too.

Outdoor Video: A Room to Entertain

Do you ever want to watch something on television but don’t feel like sitting outside? When it’s a beautiful day and the sun is out, but there’s something you want to watch on TV, doesn’t it feel like a shame that you have to stay inside? Alternatively, has there ever been a warm, wonderful Orange County night when you’ve had folks over to watch the big game/fight/so forth but you’re stuck in your home? Those are just some of the ways that our outdoor video solutions can help.

Outdoor Video Solutions

One of our most popular solutions is our “full sun TVs.” That means you can watch anything you want outside on a big screen, under the big sun, safely and securely. By that same token, we’ve put outdoor TVs over the pool, over the grill, over the bar, over the sauna if you have a space outside, we can make it into a comprehensive, warm, and welcoming theater experience. As you might imagine, this is perfect for entertaining. That said, it’s also great for sitting outside with the kids on a great night, or even just date with they whom you care about most.

Theater in the Round: Outdoor Audio

All of the above having been said, there’s not a lot of fun in having the big game, a TV show, a movie, or something similar on your screen outside if you can’t hear it. That’s where our outdoor audio solutions come in. We can provide you with the kinds of speakers that fit your TV as well as the aesthetics of your space. For example, we have “garden speakers” that will help your ears as well as your flowers. Rock speakers and planter speakers work seamlessly into your yard. Subwoofers give you a big sound while blending naturally into your foliage.

A Lighting Contractor in Orange County for Your Property and Your Life

It’s entirely possible you read the above and thought: “hey, that sounds great, but how do I choose what’s right for my property?” The good news is that you don’t have to. We offer free consultations. With these, our professionals will come to your property, walk the premises, and figure out what the right solutions for your needs are. From there, we can provide you with the right video, audio, lighting, and more. For a free consultation, message us through our site or call (949) 408-1050.